
Mostrando entradas de marzo, 2021

The last leaf

  Below are the 20 words of this reading. MAKE YOUR COMMENT HERE 馃挱馃挱

1. Backward

  Definition:  Directed behind or to the rear. Pronunciation:  ‘backw 菨 rd Grammatical meaning: Adjetie and adverb. Story quote:    She was looking out the window and counting -- counting backward. Sentences:   So he leaot backward in. /  Sam was now walking  backwards.

2. Bare

  Definition:  Without any clothes  or not covered  by anything. Pronunciation: /ber/  Grammatical meaning: Adjective  Story quote:   The cold breath of autumn had stricken leaves from the plant until its branches, almost bare, hung on the bricks. Sentences:   Don't walk  around outside   in  your  bare  feet . /  The foot was huge and  bare.

3. Bay

  Definition:  A  part  of the coast  where the land  curves  in so that the sea  is surrounded  by land Pronunciation:  /bei/ Grammatical meaning: Noun Story quote:  S he wanted to paint the Bay of Naples in Italy some day. Sentences:   The ship cast anchor in the  bay . /  Islas de la Bahia is the best bay of Honduras.

4. Bring

  Definition:  Take or go with (someone or something) to a place. Pronunciation:  briNG Grammatical meaning: Verb Story quote:   You may bring me a little soup now." Sentences:   Bring a bottle of wine. /  I forgot to  bring the wine.

5. Canvas

  Definition:   A piece  of this cloth  used by artist  for painting  on, usually with oil  paints , or the painting  itself. Pronunciation:   /k忙n.v蓹s/ Grammatical meaning: Noun and a verb. Story quote:  Sue found Behrman in his room. In one area was a blank canvas that had been waiting twenty-five years for the first line of paint. Sentences:  I need to buy a new canvas. / The artist painted his  canvas  plain white before beginning his painting.

6. Earned

  Definition:   Gained or acquired; especially through merit or as a result of effort or action gained or acquired; especially through merit or as a result of effort or action. Pronunciation:  蓹藧n Grammatical meaning:  Adjective (Past tense of earn) Story quote:  He earned a little money by serving as a model to artists who could not pay for a professional model. Sentences:   Legally, maybe, but you're the one who  earned  it. /  That  earned  him a little smile.

7. Fierce

  Definition:   Having or displaying an intense or ferocious aggressiveness. Pronunciation:  / f瑟rs / Grammatical meaning: Adjective and an adverb. Story quote:  After the beating rain and fierce wind that blew through the night, there yet stood against the wall one ivy leaf.   Sentences:   Two men were shot  during fierce fighting  last weekend . /  It was  fierce  and powerful.

8. Foolishness

  Definition:  Lack of good sense or judgement; stupidity. Pronunciation:  ‘backw 菨 rd Grammatical meaning: Adjetive and adverb. Story quote:   She was looking out the window and counting -- counting backward. Sentences:   So he leaot backward in. /  She had no patience for  foolishness.

9. Hallway

  Definition:  Another term for hall. Pronunciation:  h么l藢w膩 Grammatical meaning: Noun Story quote:   Later in the day, the doctor came, and Sue talked to him in the hallway Later in the day, the doctor came, and Sue talked to him in the hallway.. Sentences:   Paul stood in the hallway. /  The  hallway was bright white.

10. Hung

  Definition:   Having an equal  or nearly  equal  number  of members  with opposing  opinions , so that no decison  can be made. Pronunciation:  h蕦艐 Grammatical meaning: Verb Story quote:  The cold breath of autumn had stricken leaves from the plant until its branches, almost bare, hung on the bricks. Sentences:   He wanted her to be more independent, but when she tried, he hung  on to her. / Last time, they just  hung up.

11. Ivy

  Definition: A n  evergreen  plant. Pronunciation:  藞a瑟.vi Grammatical meaning: Noun Story quote:  An old ivy vine, going bad at the roots. Sentences:   That's not poison ivy. /  The little house covered with  ivy , isn’t.

12. Leaf

  Definition:  A  thing that resembles a leaf in being flat and thin. Pronunciation:   / li藧f / Grammatical meaning: Noun and a verb. Story quote:  The ivy leaf was still there. Sentences:  She raised the leaf again, unable to take his eyes off it. / Autumn leaf into the ground and coldly said.

13. Obeyed

  Definition: T o act according to the commands of. Pronunciation:  o蕣藞be瑟 Grammatical meaning:   Verb ( past tense of obey ) Story quote:  "Pull up the shade; I want to see," she ordered, quietly. Sue obeyed. Sentences:   She obeyed , and she went to the kitchen. / After a long time, my dog obeyed.

14. Shade

  Definition: slight  darkness  caused  bysomething bloking  the direct  light  from the sun . Pronunciation:  / sheid/ Grammatical meaning: Noun  Story quote:   Sue pulled the shade down to cover the window.  Sentences:   The sun  was hot , and there were no trees  to offer  us shade. /  Stay in the shade it's cooler.

15. Toward

  Definition: In the direction of driving toward town. Pronunciation:   t 么 rd Grammatical meaning:  adjetie and preposition. Story quote:   Johnsy lay with her face toward the window "…. Sentences:  She was standing with her back towards me. / She walks toward the car.

16. Unseen

  Definition: Not seen or not able to be seen. Pronunciation: / 蕦n藞si藧n / Grammatical meaning: Adjective  Story quote:   In November, a cold, unseen stranger came to visit the city. Sentences: The complexity is hidden in an unseen tangle of streams. / I never buy anything sight unseen.

17. Upstais

  Definition:   Towards or on the highest  floor  or floors  of a building . Pronunciation:  / 蕦p藞sterz / Grammatical meaning:  It’s an adverb, a noun and an adjective. Story quote:  Johnsy was sleeping when they went upstairs. Sentences:   She walked upstairs hand in hand. / One of the two upstairs rooms.

18. Whistle

  Definition:   To make a high sound by forcing air  through a small hole  or passage , especially  through the lips , or through a special  held  to the lips . Pronunciation:  Whistling /hwis-ling/      Whistle: / hwis -ling/ Grammatical meaning:  Whistle is a verb, gerund or present participle: whistling Story quote:  Then she went to Johnsy's room with her drawing board, whistling ragtime. Sentences:  He was whistling softly to himself. /  A guard was blowing his whistle.

19. Wine

  Definition: An alcoholic drink that is usually made from grapes, but can also be made from other fruits or flowers. It is made by fermenting the fruit with water and sugar Pronunciation:   / wain/ Grammatical Meaning: Noun Story quote:  so I can sell it to the magazine and buy food and wine for us. Sentences:   Chill the wine before serving. /  Wine is mirror of the mind.

20. Workroom

  Definition:  A room for working in, especially one equipped for a particular kind of work. Pronunciation:   / 藞w蓾藧k.ru藧m / Grammatical Meaning: Noun Story quote:   After the doctor had gone, Sue went into the workroom and cried. Sentences:  I have my own workroom at home. / Louis has a workroom in that basement.

Pecos Bill

  Hello everyone! These are some unknown words from the history "Pecos Bill". We hope you enjoy it and learn new vocabulary . 馃挱 MAKE YOUR COMMENT HERE.

1. Bustle

  Pronunciation:  /藞b蕦s.蓹l/ Grammatical meaning: Noun Definition: B ustle is a poof of fabric at the back of a skirt or dress. Story quote:   And Sue wore a beautiful white dress with a huge steel-spring bustle in the back. Sentences:  At the end of the 19th century women used to wear bustle for their dresses. / I wanted to bustle about, to run away from it.

2. Cattle

  Pronunciation: / katl / Grammatical meaning:   Noun Definition:  Domesticated bovine farm animals that are raised for their  meat ,  milk , or hides or for draft purposes.   Story quote:   Bill and his men had so many cattle that they needed all of New Mexico to hold them. Sentences:   The town has large cattle markets and an agricultural trade. / The living were the cattle.

3. Cowboy

  Pronunciation: / 藞ka蕣.b蓴瑟 / Grammatical meaning: Noun Definition:  To work as a cowboy. Story quote:   Some say the cowboy was one of Bill's brothers. Sentences:   He was a portrait painter, and he painted many of the " cowboys ". / He was dancing to a band in the Cowboy. 

4. Drought

  Pronunciation: / dra蕣t / Grammatical meaning:  Noun Definition: a long period  when there is little or no rain. Story  quote:   It all happened during the worst   drought   the West had ever seen. Sentences: The  drought  makes it harder to find water. / The drought endures, for all our prayers.

5. Fleas

  Pronunciation: / fli / Grammatical meaning:  Noun Definition: A very small jumping insect without wings, that bites animals and  humans and drinks their blood. Story quote:   "Yes, I am," said Bill. "I have fleas." Sentences:   My dog doesn’t have fleas. / You must have fleas, Martha said with a grin. 

6. Gang

  Pronunciation:  [g忙n] Grammatical meaning: It is a verb, but it also acts as a noun. Definition:  a groupof young people, especially young men, who spend time together, often fighting with other groups and behaving badly. Story quote: When Bill saw the gang he shouted out, "Who's the boss around here?"….       Sentences: These are a small gang. / I'm learning about the gang.

7. Hole

  Pronunciation:  /ho蕣l/     Grammatical meaning:  Verb     Definition:  A hollow place in a solid body or surface.     Story quote:   He left a  hole  so deep that to this day it is known as Death Valley.     Sentences:   My blouse has a  hole  in it. / The hole in the ground.  

8. Howl

  Pronunciation: /ha蕣l/ Grammatical meaning: Verb Definition: A long plaintive cry or wail characteristic of a wolf or hound. Story quote:   Bill did all the things those animals did, like chase lizards and howl at the moon. Sentences:   Looks like the lone wolf's got a little  howl  in his heart. / They started to howl even louder.

9. Injured

  Pronunciation: 藞瑟n.d蕭蓺d Grammatical meaning: Adjective  Definition: Hurt or physically harmed  Story quote: Well, Bill's horse soon was injured so Bill had to carry it for a hundred miles. Sentences: In hospitals there are always sick and injured people . / I figured that he was injured .

10. Loud

  Pronunciation: [La懦] Grammatical meaning: It is an adverb, but it also acts as an adjective. Definition: Making a lot of noise.  Story quote: However many there were, the children were louder than thunder. Sentences:  I Heard a loud sigh. / I was thinking out loud .

11. Poisonous

  Pronunciation: [pc谋z蓹n蓹s] Grammatical meaning: It's an adjective. Definition: V ery harmful  and able  to cause  illnes  or death. Story quote: Cowboys have had trouble with those poisonous creatures ever since…. Sentences:  That shake was extremely poisonouns. / The atmosphere was poisonous and horrible.

12. Pack up

  Pronunciation: ( pahk uhp ) Grammatical meaning: Verb Definition: If you pack up or if you pack up your things, you put your possessions  or the things you have been using in a case or bag, because you are leaving. Story quote:   "Pack up, Ma!" he cried.  "Neighbors movin' in fifty miles away! Sentences:   I can’t pack up my clothes because my suitcase is too small. / Let's pack up and get ready to start at once.